Seamless Counseling Is Focus of May Conference in New London

“Seamless Counseling: The Cutting Edge of Access to and Success in Higher Education” will be the topic of CHERE’s May 14 conference at U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut.  

Strategies and programs to help high school seniors get into an appropriate higher educational institution, survive the “summer before” and once enrolled, succeed toward graduation.  Finding the balance between “seamless counseling” and “seamless enabling.”  Community-based and campus-based programs in Connecticut from New London, Hartford and Bridgeport, and a program in Providence, will be featured.  

The conference fee is $75 to cover expenses, including a light breakfast and lunch, and a registration binder including relevant materials and the work of the presenting programs.  Attendance limited to the first 75 people to register.   

SPECIAL - Early Registration by May 13th for the May 14, September26, and November 21 conferences:  Reduced fee of $175 for all 3 conferences.